Travels with My Dad: A Father-Daughter Bonding Trip Through Southern Africa

[dropcap]B[/dropcap]umping along the highway, strapped into my seat aboard the tour group’s converted truck, I was marveling at my surroundings. Flame red desert dunes rose on the horizon and ostriches loped along in the distance as a deep blue African sky stretched straight up to heaven.[quote align=’right’]Sitting in front of our cabana, we gazed out […]

Cosmic Family Vacation

10, 9, 8, 7…. As blast-off for family vacation gets closer, you may want to think “out of this world.” Space travel, to earth orbit and beyond, is opening a whole new chapter of commercial tourism

Houseboating on Lake Powell

The car came to a stop throwing up dust on the dirt parking lot. It had been a 10-hour drive from San Diego and I could hear the complaining before the doors even opened.  Out of the hot car poured my young cousins: Matt, a typical hard-to-please 15-year-old; Charlie, a 10-year-old always buried in a […]

Unexpected Joys of Family Travel to D-Day Beaches of France

As France this year commemorates  the 70th anniversary of D-Day, the Allied Invasion of Normandy and the Liberation of France from German Occupation during WWII, Normandy is likely to move up a few notches on Dad’s and Grandpa’s bucket lists. But why let them have all the fun? Normandy is a destination with a surprising […]

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