5 Unique Florida Fall Adventures

It’s no surprise that Florida is the perfect backdrop for Fall adventures considering that as the rest of the country starts bundling up, Florida just gets comfy again. The summer heat and crowds melt away, and locals feel like they can breathe again. For visitors, it feels like the state turns into their personal playground […]
The Great Pirate Towns of the Americas

Ever since there have been boats, there have been pirates. What could be easier for criminals than robbing a ship on the high seas, far from prying eyes and any type of protection? Especially when the ships at sea could be carrying treasures of gold and silver. It’s no wonder that desperate men turned to […]
Lion Fish! A solution in Destin, Florida

Known for its fresh seafood, beautiful beach views, exceptional service and family-friendly atmosphere, Harbor Docks has been a Destin restaurant tradition since 1979. Owner, Eddie Morgan, told us about the history of the restaurant and gave us a tour. Our family was excited to try out the menu and, in particular, the lionfish. Lionfish, though delicious, are […]
Welcome to the Conch Republic! Key West

You might not think that roosters, six-toed cats, Hemmingway and President Truman share anything in common. But, they do, having each called Key West home at one point or another. And some, like the roosters and cats, have become permanent denizens of this irreverent southernmost, subtropical paradise. Located closer to Cuba than to Miami, this […]
Spring Looks Good in St. Petersburg, Florida

“This is the reason we live in Florida,” I exclaimed to my husband when we were recently stuck in a blizzard in New York City. “I’ll take heat over cold any day.” He rolled his eyes because as much as I love warm weather, I always said I didn’t want to live in Florida. When […]
Experience the Glow of St. Augustine’s Nights of Lights

In its 28th season, the St. Augustine Nights of Lights is considered a ‘must see’ event for the holiday season. In fact, National Geographic named it one of the top ten holiday light displays in the world. With millions of white lights decorating the Nation’s Oldest City, the festivities take place every night between November 20, 2021 to January 31, 2022. The Nights of […]
Appealing Drives Around the USA – Some Close to Where You Live

Granted, right now you may not be able to take that cross-country drive your family may have been planning. Or head for a scenic road that meanders through several states, stopping at attractions along the way. Even so, that doesn’t mean you need to stay at home and forego outings by car that can provide […]
Wings of the West

In these strange times, road-trips to mostly outdoor attractions are the safest way to go. When you have a theme in mind, it makes your trip more meaningful. West Volusia County offers just that. It was an easy drive for me as I live two hours away. Wings of the West are a group of six […]
Thanksgiving Memories in Wauchula, Florida

Live Oaks and Spanish moss shaded the Davises’ barn, which was in a small town of about 5,000 people in Central Florida surrounded by dairy farms and citrus groves. In this part of Florida, radio stations turned to noise—the occasional Mexican ballad cut through the static of some AM stations like a ghostly transmission. Nobody would […]
10 Reasons to Visit the Florida Keys

There are countless reasons to visit the Florida Keys — around 1,700 of them if you count all the Keys! Here are 10 to get you started.