Trip Down the Danube River

Some people look at the world through rose colored glasses. Johann Straus may have been looking at the Danube River through sepia toned lenses.

[dropcap]S[/dropcap]ome people look at the world through rose colored glasses.  Johann Straus may have been looking at the Danube River through sepia toned lenses. The composer of the Blue Danube Waltz may have been putting his own spin on a river that could have been blue on Feb. 13, 1867 when it made its debut but today’s river is a calm and smooth flowing brown. But that does not take the romance away from the famed waterway.

Several noted cruise lines have trips that go up and down the river.  Our host was Uniworld Cruises, leaving Vienna, home to Strauss, and going downstream to Bucharest over a very relaxing and gentle two week period.  Most of the passengers on board were seasoned travelers who had chosen Uniworld because of its reputation for affordable luxury.

The trip started smoothly at Vienna International Airport with quick passage through customs and immigration.  Just outside the doors was a young man holding a large sign proclaiming “Uniworld.”  Luggage was quickly taken to a comfortable bus and, literally, within minutes the transfer to the ship took off.

The following morning, following a sumptuous breakfast, an included tour took most of the passengers to see the beautiful city of Vienna.  On tap were visits to Mozarthaus, where another famed composer lived and worked.  An alternate tour gave passengers the choice of seeing the city through a fine arts lens. Arguably the most interesting tour of all was an optional trip to Schonbrunn Palace, home of the Hapsburg dynasty and its most famous member, Empress Maria Therese.  The grounds are immense and as beautifully groomed as though Austrian royalty was still in residence.

A walk through the palace brings to life quite vividly the lifestyles of the rich and famous.  There were secret passages so that the Hapsburg’s would not be disturbed or have to look at servants as their every need was catered to.

For those who enjoy the old classics, Uniworld offers an optional evening tour, The Vienna Concert-The Sound of Vienna.

While you are at dinner the ship will gently slip its moorings and head downriver to its next port of call.  The downstream current is rapid and the water smooth, combining to produce a gentle ride.

There are numerous tours and entertainment options on shore; the same holds true on board ship.  Local ethnic performers board for an evening’s entertainment.  A word to the wise here is to make it to the lounge early because seats fill fast for these shows.

Bratislava is at once an ancient city and one creeping into the 21st century.  There are castles and palaces, apartment buildings that are falling down and modern structures.

Most Eastern European cities are faced with replacing what has become known as “Communist chic.”  These are buildings put up under Communist rule from the end of WWII until freedom was restored in 1989 with the fall of the dictatorships.

Although Bratislava’s once thriving Jewish community has all but dissipated since the Nazi horrors of WWII, there is a preservation movement afoot and a memorial to the victims adjacent to the old synagogue now represented by a painted façade.

A word of caution as you go through Eastern Europe; although most of the countries have joined the European Union, some of them prefer their old currency as they slide into modern commerce to eventually making the Euro the common trade factor.

In Slovakia many merchants hang on to the koruna instead of the Euro and dollars are rarely accepted.  Be careful about exchanging your money because these local currencies often cannot be exchanged again outside of the country and you could be stuck with “Monopoly Money.”

River cruising provides the opportunity to gently glide from city to city while taking your hotel with you. There is no need to pack and unpack on a daily basis; no need to race about seeking tour buses.

Uniworld’s itineraries in each port ranged from ancient Roman ruins to local historic sites and even a meal with a local farm family. Most tours were inclusive with a handful listed as extras. On board personnel were exceptionally knowledgeable and many were native to areas visited and able to give personal insights, making the visits more enjoyable.

At every stop through its cruise, Uniworld had buses at the tip of the gangplank waiting for guests. Thos who opted for a bye day on touring could easily flake out on a deck chair and enjoy the sun.

Uniworld’s cruises ply a wide variety of the world’s waterways from Europe to Southeast Asia, Egypt to Russia and much more in between. For more information contact a travel agent or go to

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