Flagstaff or Bust: Traveling During the Pandemic

After two months of sheltering in place, I was ready to get the heck out of dodge. Plans were in place since Fall 2019 for me to attend Flagstaff Blues & Brews, the largest blues festival in Arizona. Held every June when the rest of Arizona is hotter than Hades and Flagstaff offers a more refreshing mountain respite, the 2020 festival would mark its seventh year and […]
World Class Golf in Branson, Missouri

During your visit to Big Cedar or Top of the Rock, be sure to catch the Top of the Rock sunset celebration. Witness a magical moment as a traditional bagpiper plays in the background, the sky above Table Rock Lake a blaze of color, the sun’s last glistening rays announced by the roar of a Civil War cannon as you raise your glass.
Belize: The Ancient Mayan Ruins of Caracol

A visit to Belize can take you from jungle adventure to pristine white sand beaches along the bright Caribbean blue sea where explorers of all ages can play and learn.