Gods Smiled on the Lavish Shores of Kauai

Kauai, lush with foliage, resplendent with waterfalls, and isolated by tumultuous surf, is the oldest island in the Hawaiian chain. It remained undisturbed by the tribal wars that plagued Maui, Oahu, and the Big Island of Hawaii for centuries. The protocols of the 2,000-year-old Polynesian Kapu system were practiced on Kauai in relative harmony. It […]
Exploring the Front Range of Colorado: Isabella Bird’s Footsteps

Isabella Bird was a plucky English woman who rode 800 miles solo through the Front Range of Colorado in 1873. Horseback riding through the rugged outback while the gold rush was raging seemed a miraculous feat. I wanted to see the region she described so vividly in her book A Lady’s Life in the Rocky […]
Cruising on the Central Coast-Morro Bay to Big Sur

Los Osos Valley Road, just before the off ramp to sleepy Morro Bay on the 101, drops you into Steinbeck country. Tidy rows of vegetables fan to the road from turn of the century farmhouses. The rich smell of fresh hay fills the air with the fecund aroma of freshly turned earth. This road delivers […]
Taking a cue from the Q-Station in Sydney Harbor
January 12, 2020 was a brilliant day in Sydney Harbor when I boarded the ferry headed for Manly Headlands. I ran upstairs to the front deck to face the wind and sucked in the intoxicating air. The boat picked up speed as we left the bustle of the quay behind. Soon we were scooting past the sails of the Sydney Opera House flashing in the sun. We were off to explore […]
The Ultimate Safari

Morning mists rose over the golden savannah of Botswana’s Okavango Delta as our Overseas Adventure Travel Land Rovers did the African mambo through deeply rutted sand.