As the full moon reflected off the dark seas and our boat gently rocked on the rolling swells, I thought, “this sure beat washing my hands, disinfecting delivery from my favorite Thai restaurant, and searching for something new to watch on Netflix.”  What does a travel writer do during a pandemic, other than fantasize about the exotic trips he can’t take? If you are […]

Whales, Walruses, and Polar Bears in the Russian Far East

The polar bear sauntered down the beach toward us. My heart pounded as he squinted in our direction, no doubt weighing the nutritional value of the 20 or so tasty morsels wrapped in fleece, down and Gore Tex just 40 yards away.

Bangkok: The Side Tourists Rarely See

  [dropcap]T[/dropcap]he chubby six-year-old with the heavy-duty water cannon scanned the crowd, looking for targets.  He spotted me, one of the few Western tourists in sight, and hesitated. I smiled. That was all he needed. The wet blast from his weapon hit me square in the chest. I didn’t mind. There are worse things than […]

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