Lunch in a River Outside Puerto Vallarta

River Food

Our bright yellow 4×4 grinds higher up into the Sierra Madre Mountains. The high peaks rise like jagged green jewels above Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico. Under a canvas canopy cover I cling to my vinyl seat, inhale sharp mountain air and wonder about lunch.

A Return Visit to Paradise: Puerto Vallarta

Our Lady of Guadalupe cathedral, view from Bay of Banderras

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]capulco, Cancun, Iztapa-Zihuatanejo, Tijuana, Guadalajara and Mazatlan are cities in Mexico that I have visited in the past 10 years. The North American Travel Journalist Conference allowed me to spend four days in Puerto Vallarta, which I had last visited 8 years ago as a guest of Continental Airlines. Conde Nast Magazine called it “the […]

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