Six Days on the Green River

We launched our canoe when the wind was against us. Starting at Crystal Geyser in southern Utah, we planned to end near the confluence of the Green and Colorado Rivers. We struggled to move forward. At the stern, Rudy kept the canoe on course.  “Have you been in these conditions before?” I yelled to him. “Yes, […]

Visiting Varanasi, India

The late afternoon sun cast shadows on Varanasi’s faded buildings. My college-aged son and I approached the Manikarnika Ghat, a holy cremation ground with bleacher-like steps leading to the west bank of the Ganges River. He stopped, but I walked ahead. “How would you like it if a stranger…” His voice trailed off.“They don’t seem […]

Tour Guides Face the Pandemic Problem

When traveling to countries where people didn’t speak or look like me, my teachers were tour guides. They steered me to places and people I will never forget. Many memories of my travels are directly linked to the guides who showed me the way to appreciate their culture, spiritual practices and political systems. Like many […]